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Tpay offer two ways of integration with them:

  • Simple - one of the simplest ways to integrate Tpay on the merchant's website.
  • API - integration using Tpay API. With API you can create and manage bank transfer transactions type, transactions, make refunds and get information about them.

Each integration can work also in sandbox mode.

Tpay provider select

Setup Provider#

Tpay Simple#

Simple integration of the merchant service with Tpay.

  1. After you have logged in to the Tpay panel go to Settings > Notifications
  2. Ensure that option Allow notification URL overwrite in Notification URL section is set to yesNotification URL
  3. Copy Security code from Security section Security code
  4. Setup provider in Fastgate with above information Tpay (Simple) configuration

Tpay API#

Integration of the merchant service with Tpay using Tpay API.

  1. After you have logged in to the Tpay panel go to Settings > Notifications
  2. Ensure that option Allow notification URL overwrite in Notification URL section is set to yesNotification URL
  3. Copy Security code from Security section Security code
  4. Got to Settings > API and generate a new api_key and set api_password for it. Be prepared to store it in a safe location, because once saved in the panel it will be not visible again. API key
  5. Setup provider in Fastgate with above information Tpay (API) configuration

Tpay Sandbox#

For sandbox purposes use demo account:

Marchant ID1010
Security codedemo

Additionally, if you are using API integration you need:

API key75f86137a6635df826e3efe2e66f7c9a946fdde1
API passwordp@$$w0rd#@!

See more information on Tpay Documentation site.